Meet the Trainer


Ali was born and raised in Orange County, CA and grew up with a natural knack for dog whispering. It wasn't until she took on her first solo responsibility rescue (with plenty of behavioral baggage) 8 years ago that she fell in love with balanced dog training.

Through the process of rehabilitating her highly anxious and human aggressive heart dog Tino herself, she discovered a passion for helping other struggling dog owners unlock and improve their canine relationships by teaching them a common language that over time results in maximum inclusion. The real magic for Ali comes from supporting and empowering humans to do the deep dive personal work necessary to uncover the blocks that are so closely reflected in their relationships with their dogs.

If she's not balancing several calendars or talking about Tino, she can be found at the dock diving pool with her dog friends, or out on the trails with her current personal pup, Gio.